Last updated on 28/05/2022 for the version 4.5.1
All default Corebot commands found below support Slash Commands.
Feature count: 765
- Help command
- Syntax:
-help command <command name>
-help module <module name>
- Types:
- "categorized" - Displays a sigle command category at a time (Like moderation, coins, etc.)
- "normal" - Displays all the bot's commands at once
- "dm" - DMs the normal help menu type to the user
- Links command
- Add links that are related to your Discord server
- Add as many links as you want
- Advanced embed configuration
- Remindme command
- Report command
- Set the channel for reports to be posted in
- Deletes reported message so the reporter stays anonymous
- Toggle general module
- Invite command
- Boosters command
- Channelinfo command
Ticket command
- Advanced embed configuration
Tickets command
Add command
Remove command
Rename command
Close command
Closeall command
Ticket Transcripts
- Clean and elegant
- HTML based
- Sent to ticket creator and all added users once the ticket is closed
- Option to disable DMing the ticket creator and added users
- Sent to customizable transcripts channel
- Toggle off transcripts
- Ticket created
- User added to ticket
- User removed from ticket
- Ticket closed
- Customizable amount of tickets per user
- Option to require a reason when creating a ticket
- Option to tag the support team when a ticket is created
- Option to tag the ticket creator when a ticket is created
- Option to send a reaction-based confirmation message before running the close or close all command
- Option to DM the user the reason their ticket was closed
- Toggle ticket module
- Option to use buttons to open tickets
- Apply command
- Application command
- Application menu used to manage applications
- Accept application
- Deny application
- Close application
- Lock application
- Unlock application
- Accept command
- Deny command
- Close command
- Application created
- Application accepted
- Application denied
- Application closed
- Application locked
- Application unlocked
Application Transcripts:
- Clean and elegant
- HTML based
- Sent to applicant when application is closed
- Option to disable DMing the applicant
- Sent to customizable transcripts channel
- Toggle off transcripts
- Advanced embed configuration for the following embeds:
- Application created embed
- Chose a position/rank embed
- Application completed embed
- Multiple question types:
- Free response
- Validated response (is number, is email, etc.) using RegExp
- Reaction based options (Select an option with emojis)
- Add as many ranks to apply for as you want
- Unlimited amount of questions on each application form
- Option to DM a user the decision on their application
- Option to add the Discord role to the user when the application is accepted
- Customizable channel name format with placeholders
- Customizable category to put applications in
- Customizable reviewer role, allowing you to decide who gets to manage applications
- Applications will be uploaded to a paste site if the application becomes too long for Discord
- Applications support attachments
- Limit maximum applications per user
- Multiple reviewer roles for each application position
- Toggle application module
- Option to use buttons to start applications
Custom Buttons (buttons.yml):
- Add actions through Buttons
- Add XP
- Add Coins
- Add Levels
- Add Roles
- Remove actions through Buttons
- Remove XP
- Remove Coins
- Remove Levels
- Remove Roles
- Send Options
- Ability to set Cooldowns
- Customizable Permissions
- Attach custom Buttons to embeds from
- Compatibility with the Verification Module
- Compatibility with Role Menus & Reaction Roles
- Store invite data in the database
- Inviting the same user does not increase the invite count
- Added bonus invites
and removeinvites
- Placeholders for the inviter in the welcome messages
- Bots are excluded in the Invite roles
- Rank command
- Buy command
- Coins command
- Cointop command
- Advanced embed configuration
- Daily command
- Weekly command
- Customizable amount
- Pay command
- Shop command
- Slots command
- Advanced configuration. Set the chances and coins for each slot emoji
- Work command
- Work list sub command
- Work apply sub command
- Work leave sub command
- Work info sub command
- Work jobinfo sub command
Shop System:
- Unlimited amount of shop items
- Change name, price, description, and requirements of items
- Optional level and role requirements
- Toggle shop system
- Role based
Coin Multipliers:
- Customize the multiplier amount
- Unlimited amount of multipliers
- Role based
- Toggle multipliers
- Multiply earnings on
& weekly
commands as well as Job commands
Work System:
- Unlimited amount of jobs
- Job requirements
- Coins
- Levels
- Experience
- Discord role
- Times worked
- Tier based jobs
- Lets you add different ranks to a job (For example, janitor -> cashier -> cook -> manager)
- Requirements for each tier
- Names for each tier
- Hourly pay for each tier
- Job shifts
- Job display name
- Work cooldown
- Work apply cooldown (Prevents users from working, leaving, reapplying, working, etc..)
- Option to disable earning coins when running a command
- Customizable amount of coins per message
- 4 default jobs
- Toggle coin module
- Level command
- Leveltop command
- Rank command
Level Roles:
- Set roles to be given to a user once they reach a certain level
- Option to remove the previous level roles from a user
- Toggle level role
- Change the amount of XP per message
- Blacklist channels from allowing users to gain XP
- Level Up Configuration
- Option to disable the notification
- Option to configure the channel to send the notification to (Can be the current channel or something like #level-ups)
- Option to delete the notification after a little
- Blacklist specific roles
- Determine coin rewards
- Level cards for the XP module
- Choose between blacklisting or whitelisting for channel/role restrictions
- Giveaway command
- Gedit command
- Gschedole command
- Greroll command
- Gstop command
- Advanced, custom giveaway handler
- Custom requirements:
- XP Requirement
- Level Requirement
- Discord Server participation Requirement
- Message Requirement
- Allow certain role multiple entries to the giveaway
- Use Discord's timestamp formatting
- Toggle giveaway module
- Connect 4 command
- Blocks playing with yourself or a bot
- Reaction based
- Invitation system
- Wins, losses, ties, and total games played are stored in the database
- 8ball command
- Coinflip command
- Gamble option to allow users to gain x2 the coins or lose x2 the coins gambled
- Rolldice command
- Rockpaperscissors command
- Tictactoe command
- Blocks playing with yourself or a bot
- Reaction based
- Invitation system
- Wins, losses, ties, and total games played are stored in the database
- Math command
- Gamestats command
- Gametop command
- Achievement command
- Toggle fun module
- Mcuser command
- Search for a specific minecraft account info
- Shows UUID, past usernames, NameMC link, and Minecraft skin
- Server command
- Search for a server's info
- Shows playercount, MOTD, server version ,server icon
- Bugreport command
- Set the channel for bug reports to be posted in
- IP command
- Advanced embed configuration
- Status command
- Check the status your minecraft server
- Configure the servers to show in the config
- Toggle Minecraft module
- Avatar command
- Google command
- Invites command
- Invitetop command
- Ping command
- Profile command
- Roleinfo command
- Serverinfo command
- Displays only the channels that the executer can view
- Userinfo command
- Prefix command
- Ban command
- Optionally ban users by ID
- Banlist command
- Pages for servers with lots of bans
- Blacklist command
- Unblacklist command
- Clear command
- Clear more than 100 messages (Bypass Discord’s limit)
- Clear messages in a different channel
- History command
- Kick Command
- Lock command
- Mute command
- Mute role channel permission overrides are added on startup
- Customizable mute role
- Mute evasion prevention
- Mutelist command
- Removewarn command
- Slowmode command
- Tempban command
- Tempmute command
- Unban command
- Unblacklist command
- Unlock command
- Unmute command
- Warn command
- DM the user informing them of their warning
- Warnings command
Auto Punishment System:
- Warning based
- Punish users when they reach a certain amount of warnings
- Customize the punishment and punishment details for a certain warning count
- Logs for all punishments
- Toggle moderation module
- Possibility to issue moderation commands without specifying reason
- Send a DM to the user when they are punished/unpunished
- Announce command
- Announcement creation process:
- Chose channel
- Chose who to tag
- Set the title
- Set the description
- Advanced embed configuration
- Createrole command
- Deleterole command
- Edit command
- Eval command
- Givecoins command
- Givelevels comamnd
- Givexp commands
- Giverole command
- Movevc command
- Msg command
- Send a message to a specific user through the bot
- Send a message to users with a certain role through the bot
- Send a message to all users in the guild through the bot
- Send a message to all open tickets through the bot
- Nuke command
- Paste command
- React command
- Rolemenu command
- Reaction roles
- Unlimited amount of customizable role menus
- Set custom descriptions for the role menu
- Option to only allow one role from the menu (For example, if you create a gender role menu, you can make it so they can only choose one of the genders listed)
- Say command
- Say a message in a specific channel
- Send a normal message
- Send a basic embed message
- Send an advanced embed message (fully configure embed to send)
- Takecoins command
- Takelevels command
- Takexp command
- Takerole command
- Topic command
- Set the topic of the current channel you’re typing in
- Set the topic of another channel by mentioning it
- Update command
- Update creation process:
- Chose channel
- Chose who to tag
- Set the title
- Set the description
- Set update version
- Advanced embed configuration
- Vote command
- Custom emoji support
- Set the channel for polls to be posted in
- Staffhelp command
- Types:
- "categorized" - Displays a sigle command category at a time (Like moderation, coins, etc.)
- "normal" - Displays all the bot's commands at once
- "dm" - DMs the normal help menu type to the user
- Sudo command
- "Command" command
- Disable or enable any command in the bot
- Shows X’s and check’s next to disabled and enabled commands
- **"Commandchannels" command
- Manage the channels commands can be used in
- Add/remove channels
- Change restriction type (whitelist or blacklist)
- Control if command uses global settings or not
- Removed command channel settings from config.yml
- Key command
- Module command
- Disable or enable any module in the bot
- Shows X’s and check’s next to disabled and enabled modules
- Reset command
- Reset coins of a user/ all users
- Reset exp of a user/all users
- Setup command
- Setcoins command
- Setxp command
- Setlevel command
- Setprefix command
- Setstatus command
- Change the bot's status to offline, dnd, idle, or back to online
to view the menu to choose the status
-Setstatus <status>
to set the bot's status directly
- Setactivity command
- Change the bot's playing/watching/listening/streaming message
- Reload command
- Reload commands, events, config files, and our custom methods
- Botinfo command
- Debug command
- Updaterolemenus command
- Verification command
- Join roles
- Welcome messages
- Advanced embed configuration
- Set channel for welcome message
- DM messages
- Role-based invite rewards
- Toggle join messages, roles, and invite rewards
- Welcome Cards
- Leave messages
- Advanced embed configuration
- Set the channel for leave messages
- Option to save or delete a user's coins
- Option to save or delete a user's level and XP
- Option to save or delete a user's punishments
- Option to save a user's roles and add them back if they leave
- Toggle leave messages
- Chat Anti-Ad
- Block users from sending messages with links
- Status Anti-Ad
- Checks all user's presences for links and logs them to a set channel
- Whitelist websites
- Whitelist channels that allow ads
- TLDs.yml
- Blacklist domains
- Blacklist TLDs
- Customizable Bypass role
- Toggle anti advertisement system
- Filter
- Filter help sub command
- Filter list sub command
- Filter add sub command
- Filter remove sub command
- Customizable bypass role
- Toggle filter system
- Backup command
- Backup save sub command
- Saves roles
- Saves channels
- Saves channel permissions
- Saves emojis
- Backup restore sub command
- Protects against rogue staff members deleting channels & roles
- Toggle backup system
- Reaction
- Users react to a message to be verified
- Set the message ID
- Set the emoji
- Code
- Users run the a command to verify and a code is sent to their DMs
- Set code length
- Set channel they can run the verify command
- Messages that aren't the command will be deleted
- Multiple unverified roles
- Multiple verified roles
- Toggle verification system
- Creates temporary voice channels, usually used for people to chat with their friends like in team speak
- Tempchannel command
- Used to manage your temp channel
- Transfer ownership action
- Make private action
- Add allowed users action
- Remove allowed users action
- Make public action
- Change max members action
- Change channel name action
- Set default bitrate
- Configurable default name for tempchannels
- Set the voice channel to join to create a temp VC
- Set the category for all the temp channels
- Toggle temp channel system
- Suggest command
- Snote command
- Saccept command
- Sdeny command
- Simplemented command
Reaction based actions:
- Accept suggestion
- Deny suggestion
- Reset suggestion
- Set suggestion to implemented
Suggestion Types
- "send-command" - Use a command to suggest
- "send-message" - Messages sent in the set suggestions channel will be converted to a suggestion
- "both" - Uses both "send-command" and "send-message" types
- Set the channels for suggestions, accepted suggestions, denied suggestions, and implemented suggestions to go in
- Option to disallow users from up-voting or down-voting their own suggestion
- Set the emojis for up-voting, down-voting, accepting, denying, implementing, and resetting
- Advanced embed configuration
- Toggle suggestions system
- Bugreport command
- Bnote command
Reaction based actions:
- Accept bug report
- Deny bug report
- Reset bug report (Set it to pending)
- Fix bug report
Bug Report Types
- "send-command" - Use a command to report a bug
- "send-message" - Messages sent in the set bug reports channel will be converted to a bug report
- "both" - Uses both "send-command" and "send-message" types
- Set the channels for bug reports, accepted bug reports, denied bug reports, and fixed bug reports to go in
- Set the emojis for accepting, denying, fixing, and resetting
- Advanced embed configuration
- Toggle bug report system
- Message edited logs
- Message deleted logs
- Messages bulk deleted
- Supports mass deletion of a lot of messages with a long length
- Has markdown to make it easy to read
- Chat logs
- Blacklist channels from showing up in log
- Role created logs
- Role deleted logs
- Role updated logs
- Role added to user logs
- Role removed from user logs
- Command used logs
- Nickname change logs
- Channel created logs
- Channel deleted logs
- Channels pins updated logs
- Channel updated logs
- Blacklist channels from showing up in the logs
- DM logs
- Logs the messages users send to the bot
- Emoji created logs
- Emoji deleted logs
- Emoji updated logs
- Set the channel to post logs in for each log type
- Enable or disable individual log types
- Booster logs
- Voice Channel logs
- User connect
- User disconnect
- User switched channels
- "ordered" - Goes through each activity in order
- "random" - Randomly chooses an activity to display
- Set multiple activies for the bot to cycle through
- Unlimited amount of activity
- Use placeholders (Like {tickets}, {humans}, {total-online-humans}, etc.)
- Set the change interval
- Toggle activity cycling
- Create responses to automatically be sent when a user sends a certain message
- Set the message the user must send
- Fully configure the response message
- Set the type (embed or normal text)
- Fully configure the message embed
- Option to use RegExp
- Option to have the bot DM the user a response
- Set a custom fail/success response
- Option to delete the user's message
- Option to delete the response after a set time
- Optional roles the user must have in order to get a response
- Optional roles the user cannot have to get a response
- Add as many auto responses as you want
- Toggle auto response system
- Delete messages mentioning certain roles, users, and users with certain roles
- Automatically warn the user (optional)
- Customizable response on user tag
- Adds prefixes such as "Staff | " to a user's nickname when they gain a role
- Configurable in config
- Message count is displayed on the
- Store the number of messages sent by an user
- Optional setting to include commands in the count
- Restrict specific roles or channels from counting towards the total count
- Store the time spent by an user in voice channels
- Time spent is stored in the
- Restrict specific roles or channels from counting towards the total amount
- Optional setting to include commands in the count
- Restrict specific roles or channels from counting towards the total amount
- Set a requirement for the minimum amount of users in the VC for it to count towards the total amount
- Optional setting to determine whether muted/deafened users' ttime should be ignoreed
- Announcements are stored in the database
- Create announcements to automatically be sent in a channel
- Set the channel
- Set the interval
- Set the type (embed or normal text)
- Fully configure the message embed
- Add as many announcements as you want
- Spam prevention (checks if the previous message was the announcement)
- Toggle auto announcement system
- XP cooldown
- Coin cooldown
- User report cooldown
- Add cooldowns to any command
- Customizable cooldown bypass role
- Customizable time in seconds
¶ Command Management
- Option to require a commands channel
- Option to allow commands in tickets
- Set multiple command channels
- Set commands channel bypass role
- Optional invalid command message
- Option to enable a missing roles and channels chat notification
Configuration Files :
- /configs/config.yml file
- Main configuration file for corebot
- Set channels or roles using names or IDs
- Set colors for normal embeds, error embeds, and success embeds
- /configs/lang.yml file
- Configure all of the bot's messages
- Contains placeholders
- /configs/commands.yml file
- Turn on or off commands (Alternative to the "commands" command)
- Add, remove, or edit all command aliases
- Edit command descriptions
- Edit the permissions for commands
- Use role names or IDs
- Use user IDs
- Permission inheritance option
- /configs/embeds.yml file
- Used for all of Corebot's advanced confirugation embeds.
- TOTAL control over these embeds - Add, remove, and edit settings on an embed (Add a title, add a description, add fields, change footers, etc.)
- Contains placeholders
- /configs/TLDs.yml file
- Store allowed/disaallowed TLDs and domains
- /configs/buttons.yml file
- Configure all buttons that are used in embeds and other modules using buttons
- YML based configuration
- Advanced YML handling - Syntax errors with a line number and error preview are logged to console on start up
- 100% configurable
- 100% branding free
- SQLite (Local file)
- Status report on start-up
- Informs you of the amount of guilds your bot is in
- Informs you of missing roles
- Informs you of missing channels
- Installs missing node modules
- Custom start-up parameters:
- "--no-install" - Disables the npm i and npm i sqlite3 command from running on start-up
- "--show-errors" - Logs errors directly to console instead of the "An unexpected error occured..."
- "--clear-errors" - Clears the errors.txt
- "--show-install-output" - Logs the output and errors from node_module installations if any missing modules are being installed
- Advanced addon handler allowing developers to create addons
- Commands
- Create custom commands using our command handler
- Events
- Add event listeners for discord.js events
- Custom events
- Make use of our custom events to do tons more in Corebot
- Create your own custom events
- Voice channel based
- Display the Discord server's bot count
- Display the Discord server's human count
- Display the Discord server's total member count
- Display the Discord server's channel count
- Enable or disable individual channels
- Set a category for the channels
- Language configuration
- Voice channel based
- Display a Minecraft server's IP
- Display a Minecraft server's online status
- Display a Minecraft server's player count
- Edit the IP and port of the server
- Set a category for the channels
- Enable or disable individual channels
- Enable or disable debug mode
- Language configuration
Bot Activity:
- Online players, max players, and is-online placeholders for the bot's activity status
- Hooks into activity cycling system if you want to use the placeholders there as well
- Generate PayPal invoices for clients to easily send money
- Link a user to their PayPal email
- Set the command to generate the invoice
- Set the required role
- Option to require an item name
- Ping servers to get their online/offline status
- Unlimited amount of servers to ping (VPS server, Websites, etc.)
- Log when a user joins a voice channel
- Log when a user leaves a voice channel
- Set the channel for the logs to go to
- Set the log embed color
- Play command
- Stop command
- Queue command
- Pages for the queue (15 songs per page)
- Pause command
- Resume command
- Skip command
- Join command
- Leave command
- Music stability and enhancements features to provide quality music
- Bot leaves voice channel when you leave
- YouTube video based
- Playlist support
- Song searching
- Setting for YouTube API key
- Required ranks for each individual command
- Language configuration
Official addons found below are not counted in the number of features.
- Categories when opening tickets
- React-to-open ticket embeds
- Waiting and Responded categories
- Tags
- Transcripts with or your own domain
- Response Times
- Auto close tickets after x hours (with notification)
- Commissions system
- Move a ticket up or down in categories
- Move a ticket to a specific category
- Ping users and/or staff when responding
- Tickets get deleted when users leave your server
- All free music addon features
- Skipto command
- Nowplaying command
- Remove command
- Volume command
- Lyrics command
- Restart command
- Voteskip command
- Repeat command
- Shuffle command
Auto Play
- Automaticly start playing a YouTube playlist to a channel
- Stops when a user starts playing their own music, and starts back up when they finish
- Option to broadcast when auto playing is starting/restarting
- Optiont to disable now playing messages just for auto play
- Option to disable the now playing messages
- Option to prevent song duplicates