Add your discord server's stats into a voice channel
- Voice channel based
- Display the Discord server's bot count
- Display the Discord server's human count
- Display the Discord server's total member count
- Display the Discord server's channel count
- Enable or disable individual channels
- Set a category for the channels
- Language configuration
Add your Minecraft server's stats into a voice channel
- Voice channel based
- Display a Minecraft server's IP
- Display a Minecraft server's online status
- Display a Minecraft server's player count
- Edit the IP and port of the server
- Set a category for the channels
- Enable or disable individual channels
- Enable or disable debug mode
- Language configuration
Bot Activity:
- Online players, max players, and is-online placeholders for the bot's activity status
- Hooks into activity cycling system if you want to use the placeholders there as well
This addon adds a command to your bot where you can ping your servers (VPS, websites, etc.)
- Ping servers to get their online/offline status
- Unlimited amount of servers to ping (VPS server, Websites, etc.)
Generate PayPal invoices for users to easily send you or someone else money
- Generate PayPal invoices for clients to easily send money
- Link a user to their PayPal email
- Set the command to generate the invoice
- Set the required role
- Option to require an item name
Play music from the bot in a voice channel (This addon comes with the bot)
- Play command
- Stop command
- Queue command
- Pages for the queue (15 songs per page)
- Pause command
- Resume command
- Skip command
- Join command
- Leave command
- Music stability and enhancements features to provide quality music
- Bot leaves voice channel when you leave
- YouTube video based
- Playlist support
- Song searching
- Setting for YouTube API key
- Required ranks for each individual command
- Language configuration
This addon improves and adds tons of features to Corebot's ticket system
- Categories when opening tickets
- React-to-open ticket embeds
- Waiting and Responded categories
- Tags
- Transcripts with or your own domain
- Response Times
- Auto close tickets after x hours (with notification)
- Commissions system
- Move a ticket up or down in categories
- Move a ticket to a specific category
- Ping users and/or staff when responding
- Tickets get deleted when users leave your server
$4 USD
This addon improves and adds tons of features to Corebot's free music addon
- All free music addon features
- Skipto command
- Nowplaying command
- Remove command
- Volume command
- Lyrics command
- Restart command
- Voteskip command
- Repeat command
- Shuffle command
Auto Play
- Automaticly start playing a YouTube playlist to a channel
- Stops when a user starts playing their own music, and starts back up when they finish
- Option to broadcast when auto playing is starting/restarting
- Option to disable now playing messages just for auto play
- Option to disable the now playing messages in general
- Option to prevent song duplicates
$7 USD
This addon improves and adds tons of features to Corebot's poll system
- ultimatepolls
- createpoll
- editpoll
- endpoll
- deletepoll
- Create temporary polls
- Prevent users from selecting multiple options
- Remove users reactions if they select multiple when the bot is offline
- Configurable poll embeds
- Better looking embeds/GUIs
Makes a message always the first message in the channel
- Make messages sent by the bot always the latest message in the channel
- Sends sticky messages in channels if the bot was offline when someone messaged there
Star messages and send them to the star board channel
- Star messages and send them to the star board channel
- Configurable star board embed
- Display amount of stars on message
- Supports attached images